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Gaining Access To Your Preps After An EMP

Having woke up during the night last night, my wife and I discovered we no longer had power. As she reached for the phone to call the power company and report our situation, I began laughing and told her an EMP had just been used on the U.S. No sooner than the words had left my mouth I began thinking about the consequences of an EMP being detonated over this nation. As I thought about the steps that would need to be taken in order to keep my family safe I began to realize that many preppers aren't nearly as ready as they think they are. In fact many people will discover that one of the items they consider to be an asset may become a huge liability.

A huge number of preppers spend astronomical amounts of money to ensure that their valuables including guns and ammo are tucked away inside of a safe. However, many of these people have forgotten one simple thing. If an EMP was ever used against the United States, they would almost certainly be unable to access their precious items that are safely stored inside.

A Safe With Electronic Access

When you first look at the picture above it may not be obvious what the problem is, but think about it for a little while. If an electromagnetic pulse was to be detonated above us, any safe with electronic access would no longer be accessible.

How can this problem be resolved? I suggest selling your electronic safe to someone who would love to have one of their own for as much as you can get out of it, and using this money to replace the one you sell with an upgraded model. If you are like me you like the electronic access. You may be able to purchase a new safe that has electronic access with a key that will allow you to manually override the electronic mechanism. This will do away with the EMP issues. If this idea doesn't strike your fancy, you can invest a little bit of money into an enormous pry bar in case the need to use it arises and you find yourself in a situation where battling it out with your safe becomes necessary. Just be sure to keep your prying mechanism well hidden away from your safe in order to prevent any would be thieves from making their way into your stash if your home is ever compromised. Another option would be to purchase a safe that uses a combination lock.

Whatever your decision is, be sure that you have a plan to remedy the situation if the need ever arises.

- A prep a day can keep ill fate away!

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