Back Roads Adventures
With a country boy
Any links to merchants on this site may be affiliate links. When products are purchased through this site I may earn a commission. There will not be any fees charged to you the customer for this, it is simply a small amount that comes out of the business profits.
Copyright © 2017 Backroads Adventures. All rights reserved. The use of written materials and/or photographs is not permitted without expressed consent from the author. Any material that is used with permission must remain unaltered in any way, and must credit the author by name with a link to this blog. To make a request to use material from this site please visit our contact page.
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog used to share fishing, hunting, outdoor activities, photography and other content. Any views expressed on this blog are my opinions and experiences only, and do not reflect the opinions or experiences of any affiliates or advertisers that may be on this site. My views, opinions, and experiences are dynamic and may change over time. I am not liable for any offensive comments, made on this site as they are the comment posters alone. Obscene comments will be deleted. Sites which choose to link to this site or that are linked to from this site do not necessarily reflect my views. They have been linked because I have found something interesting or of value that I decided to pass on or because another site has found this blog to be of interest.
Disclosure: There may be affiliate links on this site, clicking on these links may cause a cookie to be dropped in your browser. Should you choose to follow an affiliate link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. These commissions are a very small portion of the purchase price for any given item and will help to ensure that this blog is able to continue operating. I work hard to ensure that any affiliates used are trustworthy; however, any purchases made by you from an affiliate are between you and the affiliate. I accept no liability for any of these transactions.
- Any day in the outdoors is a good day