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My Wife's New Camera

With work schedules that are vastly different, the time I have to spend with my wife has become quite limited. Because of this my wife and I have decided to begin taking a date night every couple of weeks and base them around photography which will give us some much needed time together. These photographic adventures will also allow us to further our photography skills.

Although my first DSLR was a Canon which my wife used extensively, she also used and preferred a Nikon. After doing some extensive research about the pros and cons of the different cameras on the market, my wife informed me that she wanted a Nikon D3400. I purchased the one she asked for as a double gift for Valentines Day and Our Anniversary. This camera should allow her to take excellent pictures with a little practice.

Nikon D3400 DSLR

The picture above is a photo of a Nikon D3400.

You know you have a special woman when she is happier with a new camera than she would be with new jewelry. We hope you will follow along with us on our photographic adventures!

- Never leave home without your camera - you never know what you'll miss!

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