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Fishing With Family

Friday afternoon finally arrived which allowed me to slip away and go fishing with no worries about missing the early morning blare of the alarm clock.

It rained Thursday night into early Friday morning, and gave way to somewhat cloudy skies.

The temperature reached a high of 70 degrees today with a breeze blowing from the northwest at about 5 to 8 miles per hour.

Once again we fished in a pond that's about 4 acres and the water was clouded from the previous nights rain.

Fishing On A Pond

We used minnows for bait fishing them at various depths until finally locating the sluggish fish at around 15 inches below the waters surface.

I also attempted using 1/8 ounce rooster tail lures with negative results and settled on fishing with live bait.


Once again the fish were biting very slowly. I managed to catch one crappie after several nibbling fish refused to take the bait. Emilee caught a smallmouth that measured about 9 inches and a bluegill that measured about 8 inches. My brother Danny and his wife Stephanie were fishing as well and experienced similar results. There were definitely no record breakers to be had today.

The air quickly turned chilly as the sun sank below the horizon, but overall it has been a beautiful day to enjoy the great outdoors.

- Any day in the outdoors is a good day

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